Das letzte Wort II
- Enrico Albizzi
- Frisch befördert
- Beiträge: 42
- Stadtteil: Cittadella
- Schicht: Cittadino
- Beruf: Capitano dell'Artiglieria
- Gesinnung: Liberal
- Fraktion: Esercito
Re: Das letzte Wort II
Doppel Glückwunsch und Post F1 Wort.
Suicidal, violent, tragic state of mind; lost my halo, now I'm my own Antichrist! I'm running out of Teardrops, let it hurt 'til it stops, I can't keep my grip, I'm slip pi ng a w ay f r o m m e. Oh God! Everything is SO FUCKED! but I can't feel a thing... - BMTH: Teardrops
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